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What Biblical Womanhood Really Is and 10 Misconceptions

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What is your perspective on biblical womanhood? There are varying viewpoints on what defines a woman’s lifestyle as being in accordance with the Bible. However, individual opinions hold little significance in comparison to the guidance provided by God in Scripture. It is essential to prioritize God’s teachings and seek to understand His instructions in order to incorporate them effectively into our daily lives.

Men and Women

My brief exploration of womanhood begins at the very beginning, as described in Genesis 1. Here, it is stated that God created both man and woman in His own image – emphasizing that women are not just an afterthought but an integral part of creation. It is truly awe-inspiring to consider that women are crafted in the likeness of the divine creator of all things, a concept of immense significance and beauty.

Every woman you encounter, whether passing by on the street or interacting with in any manner, has the potential to embody the essence of a queen of heaven because she is crafted in the likeness of the Imago Dei. Just as a man reflects the image of God, a woman shares in this divine resemblance through her human nature that mirrors the intrinsic qualities of the divine. This realization serves as a starting point to appreciate and honor every woman’s inherent dignity and worth, equal to that of man.

photo of black woman reading Bible for the post on biblical womanhood

I want to express that women possess distinctive and valuable physical, mental, and emotional qualities that set them apart from men. It is important to embrace and celebrate the unique traits of both manhood and womanhood, recognizing that these differences contribute to a beautiful tapestry when individuals come together. This unity in diversity, whether among singles or married individuals, allows for a greater reflection of God’s glory than isolation in individual pursuits.

Furthermore, it is crucial to highlight the concept of “complementarity” between men and women. Women are uniquely called to receive, honor, and support the leadership, protection, and provision of godly men in their respective roles. Whether it be in marriage, friendships, or professional settings, women navigate life alongside men who play various roles, such as husbands, pastors, friends, colleagues, or service providers like mechanics or mailmen. This interconnectedness underscores the importance of mutual respect, support, and collaboration between genders.

All these men play various roles in her life, each offering unique forms of leadership, protection, and provision. The dynamics of gender relations vary in each relationship. Yet, there is a divine design where men are imbued with qualities of leadership, protection, and provision, while women are blessed with the ability to love, support, and honor these traits. Together, they complement each other, utilizing their diverse gifts to advance the cause of Christ and showcase the beauty of God in their unity.

Furthermore, it is essential to recognize that males and females play crucial roles in manifesting God’s glory. The creation of woman, following man in the narrative, signifies a pivotal moment where humanity is truly whole and fulfilled. Unlike any other creature, the woman is uniquely designed to complement man, being of the same nature as him and consequently of God’s nature. Together, both man and woman form a harmonious union that beautifully reveals the magnificence and completeness of God’s glory in the world.

Exploring Gender Harmony in the Afterlife

Is it likely that gender-specific roles will persist in the afterlife?

Indeed, it seems probable. While the Bible suggests that there will be no marriages in heaven, the essence of our individual identities is intricately linked to our gender. Without our distinct maleness or femaleness, we may find ourselves unrecognizable. For instance, Jesus, who dwells in heaven, is still perceived as male – Jesus Christ, now in a glorified form. It is important to acknowledge the beauty of our gender distinctions, with the belief that in the heavenly realm, all the flawed aspects of masculinity and femininity will be transcended, leading to a harmonious existence.

It is envisioned that heaven will be a place of pure splendor, where the negative influences of gender roles as experienced on Earth will be eradicated. Therefore, while the dynamics of earthly gender roles may not directly translate to the afterlife, the essence of our gender identities is likely to endure, contributing to the magnificence and perfection of the celestial sphere.

My Journey to Understanding Biblical Womanhood in My Own Heart

During my upbringing, I was surrounded by empowered women who embodied the principles of women’s liberation without explicitly discussing it. Their actions spoke volumes, shaping my perspective. Upon embracing Christianity, I was intrigued to find a similar ethos within the church, aligning with the ethos I had always known. Initially, this congruence puzzled me, as I hadn’t yet discerned the underlying reasons. It wasn’t a sudden realization that challenged the prevailing mindset but prompted me to delve deeper into the matter.

As I progressed on my spiritual path and personal experience, I encountered scriptures in the Word of God that specifically addressed women, contradicting the teachings I had received since childhood.

Moreover, I observed parallels between the behaviors of women in local churches and those from my upbringing, prompting me to ponder whether the church held misconceptions regarding women’s roles and God’s expectations of us.  Often this came from church leadership or even discussion in small groups.

A pivotal moment occurred when I stumbled upon a YouTube video discussing women in the church, advocating for gender equality and changing gender roles while challenging traditional stereotypes that confine women to domestic duties. This revelation sparked a contemplative journey as I grappled with conflicting viewpoints from influential figures in the religious sphere.

After finishing watching more videos, I was overwhelmed and deeply troubled. As someone who had been a Christian woman for many years, I found myself in a state of confusion and distress. This made me wonder how much more overwhelming it could be for a new Christian. 

I realized that despite my years of faith, I had very little understanding of what God truly conveyed about women, their roles, and duties. How could I effectively guide or mentor a young woman if I lacked this essential knowledge?

Motivated by this realization, I promptly embarked on a thorough Bible study focused on these important topics. I spent much time studying evangelical Christians, popular books, even Barr’s argument, (Dr. Barr’s argument is a post for another day!), historical evidence, and a long time reading and studying the English Bible.

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My exploration of Christian women and biblical womanhood has profoundly impacted my life. I have diligently tried to align my desires with God’s will and allow Him to transform my perspective on biblical womanhood. We have to be aware that in the modern day and during the realm of church history, the subjugation of women became gospel truth.

Let us delve into the essence of a biblical woman, distinguish what constitutes biblical womanhood (and what does not), explore the significance of studying and conversing about it, and pinpoint its references in the Bible.

What Defines Biblical Womanhood?

A biblical woman is not just anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ into her life. While being a Christian is a significant step, embodying a biblical woman goes beyond mere belief. It’s about being Christ-centered, actively aligning one’s priorities with God’s will, and continuously seeking spiritual growth through prayer, Scripture, and obedience to the Holy Spirit. In essence, a biblical woman is committed to living a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus and strives to honor God in all aspects of her life. It is also a mirror of submissive wives.

Often referred to as a woman of God, a godly woman, or a woman after God’s heart, the title matters less than the sincere faith and devotion that resides in her heart. A biblical woman is characterized by her unwavering dedication to living out her faith daily, seeking to be a beacon of love, grace, and righteousness in a world that often strays from God’s path.

What Does Biblical Womanhood Entail?

The concept of biblical womanhood, while not explicitly stated in the Bible, revolves around living a life that aligns with the teachings and principles found in Scripture. It emphasizes the importance of a heart that seeks to serve and honor God, prioritizes righteous behavior and mindful speech, and avoids harmful habits. One of the key passages that shed light on the characteristics of biblical womanhood is Titus 2:3-5, which highlights the virtues such as serving God wholeheartedly, being wise in speech, nurturing a loving and respectful relationship with one’s spouse, raising children in a Godly manner, and creating a home that reflects God’s values.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good and so train the young women to love their husbands and children,  to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, so that the word of God may not be reviled.

Titus 2:3-5 (ESV)

Biblical womanhood encompasses a holistic approach to life, where faith in God influences every aspect of a woman’s daily routine. It emphasizes the significance of living in accordance with God’s will, fostering healthy relationships, nurturing a spirit of love and grace, and upholding moral values in all endeavors. By adhering to the teachings of Scripture and embodying the virtues outlined in Titus 2:3-5, women can cultivate a lifestyle that reflects their dedication to God and enriches the lives of those around them.

It is how the everyday lives of evangelical women should be lived out while representing the Kingdom of God.

Exploring the Significance of Studying Biblical Womanhood

I’m never afraid to boldly discuss topics of controversy in the Bible, including biblical womanhood, as I believe that biblical womanhood is God’s design according to the teachings of the Bible. Embracing the role of a Christ follower involves delving into Scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to shape one’s mindset and outlook. By engaging in this continual process of renewal, individuals can transcend worldly views and better honor and serve God.

In a society where traditional values are often overlooked, the concept of biblical womanhood is sometimes disregarded as outdated or irrelevant. However, the enduring relevance of biblical principles and the need to pass down this wisdom from one generation to the next is paramount. Through studying and embodying the virtues of biblical womanhood outlined in the Bible, women can cultivate a deeper understanding of God’s intentions and align their lives with His divine plan.

Ultimately, the journey of discovering biblical womanhood is not merely about adhering to a set of rules but about embracing a transformative process that leads to a profound shift in perspective. As individuals immerse themselves in God’s word and surrender their desires to His will, they find their beliefs and priorities realigned, paving the way for a fulfilling and purposeful life as they strive to embody the essence of a godly woman in a complex and challenging world. The making of biblical womanhood is a process, not a destination.

The role of women is multi-layered. Some of us are mothers, others aren’t; some work outside the home, others don’t. Maybe some volunteer in ministry, others in hobbies. None are wrong as long as we are striving to be in the image of God.

image of white woman reading Bible for the post Biblical womanhood and 10 misconceptions of biblical womanhood

Let’s Dive a bit deeper, shall we?

Biblical womanhood refers to the unique characteristics of a woman as outlined in the Bible. According to the biblical creation story (Genesis 1:27; 5:2; Matthew 19:4), God established distinct roles for each gender when creating man and woman. Men and women were designed with differences in their physical and mental makeup to fulfill complementary roles. It is emphasized that a man should not strive to be a woman as he is inherently male in his biological and cognitive composition. Similarly, women should not attempt to be men as their fundamental traits differ from those of men.

So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27 (ESV)

He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,

Matthew 19:4 (ESV)

The pursuit of living out biblical womanhood starts right where the pursuit of biblical manhood starts. Apostle Paul, in Galatians 3:28 proclaims that in Christ, there is no distinction between people based on ethnicity, social status, or gender, for all are united as one in Christ Jesus. This means that we all share the same worth in Christ and are called to the same level of obedience and service to the Lord. Therefore, the principles of surrender (Romans 12:1–2), service (Romans 12:1), and devotion (1 Corinthians 7:33–35) found in the Bible are equally applicable to both men and women.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 (ESV)

The guidance from the Bible for any woman aspiring to embrace biblical womanhood starts with her experiencing spiritual rebirth (John 3:3). It is essential for her to undergo a transformation as a “new creation” in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) and to heed Jesus’ teachings on the importance of remaining connected to Him (John 15:1–5). Embracing the Word of God as the ultimate authority in her life is crucial, as failing to recognize its authority may lead her to judge Scripture instead of allowing Scripture to guide her. This can result in compromising her beliefs and eventually experiencing a moral decline (refer to Romans 1:22–25).

True biblical womanhood is living your life according to spiritual authority – the Lord and His Word.

What Biblical Womanhood Isn’t

To gain a better understanding of biblical womanhood, we need to understand what it isn’t. To begin with, embodying biblical womanhood does not entail perfection. It doesn’t require you to give up your job, become a gardener, exclusively homeschool your children, forsake any interests beyond your home, or surrender your right to have opinions or make decisions.

Furthermore, biblical womanhood is not contingent on your marital status, your spouse’s beliefs, your career path, your financial standing, or whether you have children. It also does not entail comparing your spirituality to that of others; it is a personal journey that is not about outshining anyone else. We can all have different roles yet be a biblical woman.

In the modern historical context, being a doormat to your spouse or being locked in an ivory tower is not the same as being a doormat to your spouse, as we have read about in medieval history. Even in the early church, this was not the case.

None of these expectations are outlined in Titus 2 or any other biblical text. While they may linger in our minds, knowing that God encourages us to replace such negative thoughts with His uplifting words is comforting.

A frequent mistake made when discussing biblical womanhood is blending cultural stereotypes with scriptural truths. This error has hindered countless women from chasing their aspirations and nurturing their talents. In the past, certain pursuits or professions were deemed suitable only for men, while women were expected to stay at home and be joyful homemakers.

Nevertheless, biblical womanhood does not dictate that every woman must adhere to a societal definition of femininity. Some women may find empowerment in embracing their femininity through careers in fields such as medicine, construction, or law enforcement, as God has endowed them with talents to serve in these capacities. Conversely, for others, raising children and creating a loving home environment fulfills their innate desires as part of their divine calling.

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Bible Verses for Godly Women

A Few Verses Specifically for Godly Women

1 Peter 3:3-5 (ESV) Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—  but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.  For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands,

Proverbs 31:30 (ESV) Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Ephesians 5:22-24 (ESV)  Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

Proverbs 31:26 (ESV) She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 14:1 (ESV) The wisest of women builds her house,
    but folly with her own hands tears it down.

Proverbs 19:13 (ESV) A foolish son is ruin to his father,
    and a wife’s quarreling is a continual dripping of rain.

Proverbs 21:9 (ESV) It is better to live in a corner of the housetop
    than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.

Proverbs 21:19 (ESV)It is better to live in a desert land
    than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.

1 Timothy 3:11 (ESV) Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things.

My prayer is that these ten misconceptions about biblical womanhood will open your eyes to the truth and equip you to better share them with women and women around you.  

1. Biblical womanhood is NOT about being a doormat

This is one of the most popular and common misconceptions you will hear when it comes to this topic. Despite its popularity, it isn’t supported by Scripture. Absolutely nowhere in the Bible will you find God encouraging a “doormat” mentality amongst men or women. Think of Esther, Rahab, Ruth, Mary (the mother of Jesus), Abigail, and many more. 

These women are held up to us as examples of godly, beautiful, biblical women, and they are anything but doormats. They are smart, hardworking, talented, gifted, and gutsy women, all striving to honor God with their lives.

In a nutshell… 
Esther – Approaches the King unannounced and risks her life to save the Jews. Rahab – A former prostitute gives her Life to God and helps the Israelites conquer the city. Ruth – Selflessly follows her mother-in-law to a foreign land and works hard to support her. Mary – Puts her life at risk by accepting the dangerous responsibility of bringing Jesus into the world. Abigail – Wisely negotiates with David and saves her husband from being killed. 

Women who truly live out biblical womanhood are really some of the bravest and strongest I know. They are willing to swim against the current and stand alone. Biblical womanhood isn’t for the faint of heart or wimpy. No. Biblical womanhood is for brave women who are willing to fight for truth and embrace God’s Word even when it’s hard. 

Whoever started this whole notion that women are “less than men” obviously didn’t read the Bible. The Bible absolutely and completely supports the idea that men and women are created equal. Neither one is more valuable. 

They are equally valuable but purposely different. 

God created man and woman to fulfill a unique purpose on earth. Different doesn’t mean “less than.” I challenge you to search Scripture and see how God talks about women. I also challenge you to look through the New Testament and notice how Jesus treated women. He literally went against the cultural norm and treated women with care and respect. He actually spoke to them and treated them with value. Unlike many in His day

One of the reasons Bethany Beal wrote Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity, and Identity was to show women the immense value and purpose they have. There have been many misconceptions about biblical womanhood from Christians and non-Christians alike. 

In Girl Defined, she takes you into the lives of four women in different seasons of life. Each uses her life to live out biblical womanhood and glorify God. These women have never checked their brains at the door.

If you truly live your life with a Christ-centered purpose and eternal mindset, you will need all the brains you can get.

Sadly, in our day and age, Christian women have gone to one of two extremes. 1. They idolize the home and assume that if they are inside of it they are honoring God. 2. They despise the home and assume they are successful if they are outside of it. 

Neither is the right option. 

We need to get our hearts right and remember the bigger purpose for why we do what we do. The home is hugely important, but it’s not the home that matters most. It’s the people within the home that matter most. It’s taking care of the home to bless the family. It’s using the home to build relationships. It’s inviting people inside to foster community. It’s using the home as a tool to honor and glorify God. 

Proverbs 31:10-31 gives us a great picture of how a home can be used in a beautiful way.

6. Biblical womanhood is NOT about just getting married

I’ve seen some incredibly beautiful marriages and I’ve seen a lot of awful ones. I’ve seen girls idolize marriage as the be-all and end-all, and I’ve seen girls reject and embrace total independence from men. 
Both are wrong mindsets. 

We, as Christian women, must remember that we are here on a Kingdom mission. God has given us His instruction manual on how we, as women, can best honor Him. God created marriage as a means for us to serve Him better as a team. He created it for companionship, reproducing, pleasure, and representing the gospel. I really encourage you to remember that marriage is beautiful, but the purpose of marriage is to point to Someone greater. 

white woman in pink checkered blouse slightly smilling for the post on biblical womanhood

Drabby clothes, no makeup, scraggly hair, and bad breath. That may be the image some of you think of when you hear the words “biblical womanhood.” I’ve got great news for you, gals; that’s a total misconception. 

Some of the most godly, Christ-centered women I know are also some of the most beautiful. Being a biblical woman isn’t about being old-fashioned. Biblical womanhood is about dressing in a way that best represents and honors the purity and holiness of Christ. It’s a heart that says, “I aim to please the Lord in everything I do.”

It’s personal confession time. The more I’ve strived to live out biblical womanhood, the more exciting my life has become. God is full of amazing surprises, and living for Him is one adventurous journey. 

Living as a biblical woman provides a bigger and greater vision for life. Everything takes on a greater purpose. Everything becomes about the Kingdom. Think about it… 

Instead of just going to the grocery store and grabbing groceries, you can build relationships and share the hope and purpose of the gospel. 

Instead of just raising kids to grow up and become independent, you have the care of souls and are given the privilege to disciple them. 

Life begins to take on a whole new meaning when you live in light of Christ and the gospel. 

Y’all. Really? What even? Yes, these are super important daily tasks that need to be done (to the glory of God, of course), but really? Biblical womanhood is about so much more than this. Remember that your living space is a tool for you to nurture relationships, reproduce life (physically and spiritually), and care for those around you. 

Scrub those toilets and wash those dishes, but don’t lose sight of the “why” behind the scrubbing. The reason is to love, bless, and disciple those God has placed in your sphere of influence.

All in all, we need to take our eyes off of ourselves. Life isn’t about us. Biblical womanhood isn’t about you. The more Christ becomes greater in our eyes, and we become less, the easier this topic will seem. 

We must remove ourselves from the “highest of highs” and remember that it’s all about Christ. 

Biblical womanhood is about living all in for Christ and using your one life to make an impact for eternity. It’s about making disciples, sharing the gospel, loving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, following God’s Word, and doing your best to reflect Christ as a female. 

You may enjoy one of these recommended resources:

The book written by the co-author of this post, Bethany Beal Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity, and Identity 

Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide by Lori Alexander 

A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband ‘Master’ by Rachel Held Evans 

ESV – “Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

image of Bethany Beal author of this post

The ten misconceptions are from Bethany Beal’s original post on this site. Sue Nelson authored the remaining post.

Bethany Beal is head-over-heels in love with her best friend and husband, David, and is the super proud mommy of Davey Jr. She is the co-founder of Girl Defined Ministries, author of several books, including Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the Twists and Turns of Your Story and is passionate about spreading the truth of biblical womanhood. To her family and close friends, she is simply a tall blonde Texan who is obsessed with iced lattes and can’t get enough of her sweet little family.

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