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Have you ever felt like things just kept going wrong? No matter how hard you prayed or sought out the Lord, it was one thing after the next.
Maybe you’d just started diving deeper into prayer or bible study. Or maybe you were facing a decision and needed discernment. Or maybe you’d committed to something big.
Spiritual warfare is the invisible battle beneath the surface. It’s raging in the heavenly realms, and the enemy wants to stop you from a fervent faith and a life living out God’s calling at all costs.
He can’t steal your salvation, but he desperately wants to thwart any good thing in your life.
How do we pray in the midst of spiritual warfare? How do we stand firm, as Ephesians 6 tells us?

How Does Spiritual Warfare Affect You?
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
-1 Peter 5:8 NIV
We are all in the battle. The moment you were born, you had an enemy pursuing your soul.
Attacks were waged, lies and schemes were enacted, and the enemy fought for you.
But what a powerful promise that there is One who has already defeated the enemy. Satan has no real power.
He may prowl around in this world and try to devour all those who would fall to him. But our God is victorious. Our God has won the war. Our God has invited us into complete victory.
We need to recognize both the invisible battle and the victory we can have in Jesus Christ.
Who is the Real Enemy?
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
-Ephesians 6:12 NIV
Satan knows that if we spend all of our time battling against the physical struggles we face, we won’t shine any light on his schemes.
Not every struggle is spiritual warfare, but so much of what we face is this invisible battle raging in the heavenly realms.
Satan is a schemer. He is a liar. He has studied us and knows our tendencies. He has an army of demons that are fighting against us.
But he is not God.
He is powerful in this world (1 John 5:19), but he does not have victory. God has won the victory. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture and prayer, we will begin to see where our true enemy is at work.

How to Fight Spiritual Battles
So your enemy is a powerful one. He is scheming against you. And you must be prepared.
1 Peter 5:8 says to be alert and of sober mind.
Ephesians 6 says over and over to stand firm in the armor of God.
Explore Then Excavate Ephesians to Understand God’s Word Like Never Before
In this six-week course, self-paced course, we will excavate the book of Ephesians. We will dig in deep and study this book with the appetite of a voracious learner. This course is more than a Bible study. It is a map to guide you through His Word and connect it to your life.
This is no easy task. It isn’t by chance that you happen upon victory.
We must be alert. We must be prepared. We must suit up in truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God.
The Armor of God in Ephesians 6 is a powerful list of what we need to fight spiritual battles:
The Word of God
Dive into each of these and ask God how you can suit up with them and stand firm.
How to Pray in the Midst of Spiritual Warfare
Pray for Eyes to See
So often, we don’t find victory because we don’t see.
We don’t see the enemy. We don’t see the victory we have. We don’t see the tools we have to stand firm.
Just as in the story with the servant and Elisha. His servant felt surrounded, his eyes seeing only the enemy’s army, and then Elisha prayed that God would open his eyes, and there before him, the servant saw God’s army, chariots of fire, and the force with which they were truly fighting.
When we have eyes to see, we can battle with faith and boldness.
As your eyes are opened, you can pray specific spiritual warfare prayers and begin to see the victory you already have.
Pray with me:
Lord, open my eyes. Open my eyes to the enemy and his lies, schemes, and ways in which he works. Reveal Satan’s schemes in my life, help me to be alert. Remove the veil. I pray also that You would show me all the ways in which you equip me. Reveal to me Your power and might. Open my eyes to Your peace, hope, and victory in Jesus Christ. Thank you for the promises all throughout Scripture of this strength and victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Pray for the Armor of God
Pray through each piece of armor. You can take Ephesians 6 and literally pray the verses over your life.
Pray for truth, that God’s truth would permeate your life and shine a light on each and every day, each and every thought.
Pray that you would stand in His righteousness that He has given to you in Christ.
Pray for the gospel of peace to lead each step.
Pray that you would stand firm with faith as your shield.
Pray that your salvation and seal of the Holy Spirit would guard your heart and mind.
And pray that God’s Word would saturate your mind and heart and that you would learn to use it as your offensive weapon against the enemy.
As you do this daily, watch as the Spirit equips you to do battle!
Pray for Specific Areas of Your Life
Spiritual warfare is not just a blanket, one-size-fits-all battle. As we’ve touched on above, Satan knows you. He is after the specific areas of your life that he knows will draw you away from the Lord’s will and joy, and hope.
And this looks different to me than it does to you.
What areas do you feel attacked in?
For me, I always find Satan attacking my worth. I feel unloved, unwanted, and discouraged with each battle.
Maybe you feel unworthy, and maybe finances cause you to fear, maybe pride creeps in. What specific areas do you feel attacked in?
Pray over these areas specifically and boldly. Find Scripture truths that touch on these topics and pray these verses. Memorize them and pray them over your day.
Praying specifically over areas that you feel attacked in is a powerful way to overcome Satan’s attacks.
Write Down Your Prayers
One thing I know, when you are under attack, it is HARD to pray.
Writing down prayers has been a powerful practice in my own battle against spiritual warfare.
I love the movie, War Room and the idea of having a space to write and hang prayers. But in many seasons, this, for me, has looked like writing out prayers in a journal.
Having these prayers (and Scriptures) written down are so helpful. When I feel under attack I can pull out this journal and pray. I can walk my way through the prayers and Scriptures I’ve written down.
How have you found encouragement to pray in the midst of spiritual warfare?
You may enjoy one of these recommended resources to learn more about spiritual warfare and spiritual warfare prayers.
Understanding Spiritual Warfare: A Comprehensive Guide by Sam Storms
Spiritual Warfare Prayers by Mark I. Bubeck
Spiritual Warfare Prayers by Valentine Publishing House

Nicole is a wife and mama to two boys. Between keeping her house free from muddy footprints and plucking weeds from the garden, she loves to share hope and encouragement for fellow mamas on a mission. Her blog started as a place to provide hope and healing and has transformed into a ministry building hearts and homes for the Lord. You can find her on Instagram or with some real-life practical tips on YouTube.
NIV – Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™