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Nearly every day, I’m asked for my recommendations on everything from Bible study reference books to Bible journaling supplies. I created this resource page to easily list recommended services, products, and companies that I use and/or those I know are valuable. This way, you can quickly find great products and services all in one place

Top Overall Picks

Artza Box – Each box is curated to deliver the most authentic experience, searching throughout Israel for exclusive, high-quality products that you and your family will enjoy. An experience that brings the Land of the Bible to life while supporting the people who call this place home.


• Something to taste
• Something to share
• Something for the body
• Something for the soul
• Something to inspire
• Something to learn

image of contents of Artza box for page on recommendations by Woman of Noble Character

Christian Courses and Programs

Taking Every Thought Captive by Sunshyne Gray

“Take Every Thought Captive” is an online course providing a step by step guide to get rid of unwanted and problematic thoughts so you can reclaim the joy and peace God has in store for you right now! This course outlines everything you need to know in one place.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Feel as thought you can’t control your thoughts?
Dwelling on the past?
Self defeating thoughts?
Making negative assumptions about relationships?
Anxious and fearful thoughts?
Thinking events and conversations to death?
“Take Every Thought Captive” is a course that you will not find anywhere else!
In “Taking Every Thought Captive” you will have biblical strategies and research proven ways to change the way you think. I’ve been a licensed therapist for 15 years. In that time I have helped people identify and combat problematic thoughts that hold them back and cause distress. The strategies taught in this course are research proven and effective.

In “Taking Every Thought Captive”, this course is packed with information on how to identify and strategically change the way you think in 1 1/2 hours…no filler! This course is designed to give you the blueprint from beginning to end to start taking your thoughts captive now!

Sunshyne also offers Christian counseling sessions.

SoJo Academy

SoJo Academy

Does any of this sound familiar? You have a true desire to grow and just wish for simple, practical steps that can be easily implemented into your daily life. You get bored quickly or are easily distracted with your Bible Study..hello guilt… and feel bad about what you “should” be doing. Sigh. Having a ready-made plan to follow sure would help! You know you need community and accountability, but struggle to connect with women who are walking on a similar path towards Christlikeness. Sigh again. You’re spiritually stuck and are ready for God to break through in a fresh way and help you move beyond that invisible ceiling. 

If any of that sounds like you, you are NOT ALONE! We’ve all been there and we understand how difficult it can be to get good, solid guidance {not to mention practical!} in areas of spiritual maturity. That is where Sojo Academy will help. Head over to SoJo Academy to learn more. I hope to see you there!

Best Bible Study Reference Books and Bibles

NKJV Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study BibleThe Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible identifies keywords of the original languages with clear explanations of their meanings and usage. This Bible is easy-to-use and includes the Strong’s Dictionary numbering system for easy reference.

Recommendations 1

Dictionary of Biblical Imagery This unique reference offers an encyclopedic exploration of topics not found in ordinary Bible dictionaries, including images, symbols, motifs, metaphors, and literary patterns of the Bible. This is my go-to source for Bible symbolism.

Recommendations 2

Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament WordsThis book allows you to easily access the alphabetized English equivalents of Greek or Hebrew words from which they are translated. Includes the most significant biblical words illustrated by Scripture passages, comments, cross-references, ancient and modern meanings, precise etymologies, historical notes, and clearly defined technical information. Vine’s Dictionary is a must-have for serious Bible study students.

Recommendations 3

The Thompson Chain Reference Bible – What if you could study every passage in the Bible that relates to a specific topic? The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible System is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical research because it has thousands of references and covers 8,000 topics throughout the entire Bible.

The Bible has over 100,000 Chain-Reference System references that can be found all throughout the book’s margins. This makes it an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study and is a perfect companion to your regular Bible reading!

The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible includes an array of helpful study tools. The endnotes include indexes and cross-references that can help readers to find passages relevant to their needs. For example, if one is looking for guidance on how the Old Testament relates to New Testament doctrine, they have only a few seconds work with this resource at hand!

image of cover of Thompson Chain Reference Bible for the post An Honest Review of The Thompson Chain Reference Bible and 5 Ways to Use it

I have a complete list of my top recommended Bible study tools to enhance your Bible study experience and help you learn and grow in the Word.

Best Christian Subscription Boxes

Faithbox – This fantastic box makes a wonderful gift for you or a friend. Each month, you’ll receive a new daily devotional and hand-picked items from companies that “do good.”  Faithbox is one of the top Christian subscription boxes available today.

Butterfly Box – One of my new favorite obsessions! I love the Butterfly box and the thoughtful, faith-based items that arrive in each box. Check out my unboxing of a recent month’s subscription. I know you’ll love it as much as I do!

Recommendations 4
Butterfly box Christian subscription box cover

Best Productivity Tools and Resources

Paper Sunday Christian journals

Paper Sunday – My absolute FAVORITE Christian journals! Each of their Christian journals is composed of 72 unique personalized scriptures carefully chosen by women, for women to strengthen and encourage them in their daily lives. Each journal is personalized to include your name, and optional cover initials are available. Choose from hardback, softcover, and wire coil. Paper Sunday also makes GORGEOUS planners and personalized notecards. Great for gift-giving! Use the code WONC at checkout for 10% off for all Woman of Noble Character readers!

CoziCozi is an amazing app you can use to organize your whole life and family. Cozi is free, easy-to-use, and multi-award winning app. You can do so much with it, including calendar management, grocery lists, recipes, meal planning, and more.

Recommendations 5

TrelloTrello is my organizing “ride or die”! I used it for everything, including storing passwords, gift ideas and sizes for family members, blog post ideas, and so much more. It’s like a digital bulletin board and can help you organize everything! There are both free and paid versions of Trello. I use the free and a few “power-ups.” I absolutely love it!

Recommendations 6


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