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Titus 2 Discipleship
Each day, I receive messages and emails from women who are longing for connection with and instruction from other women. In fact, my own ministry is based on this concept. I founded my ministry to support and equip women to live a Proverbs 31 life in today’s world.
When I gave my life to Christ, I was thirsty for His Word. I devoured the Bible and Bible studies and grew in my walk with Christ. Although I attended group Bible studies, my growth in my faith life was largely independent.
I lacked a mentor to train me up and instruct me in the ways of biblical womanhood. I looked to the older women in my congregation and took what I could from observing how they lived and interacted with their husbands and others in the community.
I longed for someone to show me how to raise godly children, manage my Christian home and submit to my husband.
Much has been written in the Bible and in Christian books and publications about discipleship and surrounding yourself with other believers: family, friends, church. The Bible is clear that “iron sharpens iron”. Fellowship with and discipleship by other believers is incredibly important for you to grow as a believer and a wife.
At the beginning of the church in Acts 2, we see a glimpse of fellowship with other believers:
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47 NIV
Ideally, Christians help other Christians to be accountable to God’s teaching. They encourage one another and provide correction when we go off course. “Seasoned” Christians provide instruction and accountability to new and young believers.
In Titus 2:3-5, we are instructed:
3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
Titus 2:3-5 NIV
Titus 2:3-5 is not simply a suggestion for older and younger women. This instruction is critical to the Christian life. It is a part of the strategy for the church to disciple and train up believers.
This mandate in Titus was given to the head of the local church. Paul instructed Titus to equip older women in the congregation for the ministry of training, encouraging and equipping younger women.
This discipleship is to occur with sound doctrine and under the church’s authority. It is, at its core, an instruction manual on discipleship.
While, this teaching is clear that a Titus 2 relationship is a responsibility of and has oversight by the church, if our home church does not have a ministry connecting older and younger women, it is our responsibility to identify and build those Titus 2 relationships on our own.
Alternatively, or in conjunction with identifying our own Titus 2 mentors, we can raise a new generation of godly women by starting a local Titus 2 ministry.
Titus 2 Mentors
Having a Titus 2 mentor can be a powerful tool for your marriage and your Christian walk. A mentor can provide personal instruction on everything from managing a home, to fearing the Lord and raising your children as disciples for Christ. They can allow you to share your fears, concerns and needs in a safe environment.
A mentor invests in your life and your marriage by teaching you, encouraging you and sometimes motivating you.
Mentoring is a biblical concept. In Titus 2, we read that older men are encouraged to train the younger men and older women are instructed to train the younger women. This is the Titus 2 woman.
What a Titus 2 Ministry May Look Like
Depending on your church including the size, location and commitment from church leaders, you may wish to consider one of the following models to start or enhance a Titus 2 ministry at your church:
Bible Study Model
Bible Study groups, hosted by the church or individually, can work through any number of excellent resources together. Having a senior woman lead the study can add credibility. The leader may also share her own experiences and act as a mentor to younger participants.
Group discussions allow participants to learn from each other as well as the leader and Bible study resources.
Small Group Model
Women can meet regularly to learn and apply the concepts of biblical womanhood. An older woman or two can lead each group and mentor them on homemaking skills, their marriages and their walk with God.
Women’s Ministry Model
In this model, women meet corporately through:
- Bible studies related to homemaking, building faith and marriage
- Women’s retreats
- Events including workshops on anything from canning and basic sewing repairs to marriage and friendship
- A system to establish and encourage Titus 2 relationships (matching older and younger women to build a relationship outside of women’s ministry events).
- Inviting speakers to teach on Titus 2 and biblical woman/wifehood concepts.
They key is to plan events that model and reinforce the objectives of the teachings in Titus 2 as well as promoting a vision that includes women of all seasons and circumstances.
If Your Church Does Not Offer a Titus 2 Ministry
A Titus 2 mentor can be found almost everywhere. She may be a Christian neighbor that you admire, a member of your church or even a family member. Contrary to what you may believe, a mentor may be older or younger than you. What is important is not age, but character and biblical knowledge and model Christian living.
Think of the women in your life who model godly living. The ones who exhibit strong marriages and homemaking skills.
Ask them to mentor you. In most cases, they will be honored to walk alongside you.
I am blessed that my mother-in-law is an amazing model of Christian living and homemaking. We talk regularly and she has instructed me on everything from how to cook my husband’s favorite meals to gardening and canning.
Although I was raised in a suburban to urban area, some twists and turns in life brought me to rural Missouri. Country life, country food and rural living were foreign concepts to me. Thankfully, I had a willing and loving mentor in Linda to guide me.
In addition to practical living skills, she has demonstrated biblical womanhood through her commitment to the Lord and her submission to her husband.
I wouldn’t be half the wife I am without her loving instruction and guidance.
I encourage you to identify at least one woman mentor as well as a married couple who can mentor you and your husband in your marriage journey.
Spend time with your mentor. This can be formal, regular meetings or informal. Ask questions and ask them to teach you something that you desire to learn about life, marriage or homemaking. Ask them to share their stories and point out areas where you need correction.
Your life, your faith and your marriage will forever be changed.
To explore the value of a Titus 2 relationship in your life, journal about and pray over the following questions:
Does your church have a ministry for older women to pour into and train up younger women? If you participate, what value has that brought you? If you do not participate, what is holding you back?
What benefit do you think having a Titus 2 mentoring would bring to your life? Your marriage?
Think of at least three women who you feel would make a good Titus 2 mentor for you. Pray about it and ask at least one of them to disciple you.
For a great resource on building a Titus 2 ministry at your church, check out this recommended resource:
You may also enjoy this brief video about being an adorned Titus 2 woman.
Because of Him,
Tuesday 25th of June 2024
This is a wonderful article and great idea to begin at my church. The only thing is I am divorced and have been single for 11 years. So how could this pertain to me and others in the same boat as me? I can teach on everything but marriage and wifely duties. Help with this would be much appreciated.
Susan Nelson
Saturday 29th of June 2024
Holly - we are washed clean by His blood. Maybe you don't teach on the marriage relationship but can teach on wifely duties. You have experience and knowledge that the younger women in your church need!
Saturday 28th of October 2023
Hello! Do you have any resource recommendations on material to help facilitate a mentoring session?
Friday 28th of July 2023
Do you know of any churches or solid denominations that teach Titus 2 women? We raised our daughter this way and she has now married and is a homemaker, but, my boys are looking for godly women that really believe the Biblical position on Titus 2 women. We've been to many churches across the country and cannot really find folks that follow this teaching. Most marginally pay lip service to it but then raise their daughters to go off into careers or be independent missionaries with no headship to speak of. Any direction would be greatly appreciated
Robbi Bittle
Sunday 15th of January 2023
Hello! I was just looking for the TItus 2 post that I wrote for you several years ago. I am updating my links and wanted to make sure I had the right url. I have tried emailing you, but maybe they got sent to spam? I have also changed my website and would like any work linked to the correct site. Thanks
Susan Nelson
Monday 30th of January 2023
Hi Robbie, I lost your post while migrating my site to a sandbox to update it. My sincerest apologies. I'm happy to post another for you.